Have you ever needed to jot down a note quickly and be able to easily find it later? Ever wanted to copy a selection of text while web browsing for later reading without copying and pasting between applications or saving the text to a file? EZNote can do these things and more at the touch of a key (which will instantly bring up a text editor) without having to leave the application you are in!
Of course, you'll be able to hit another key at any time that will bring up a list of all your notes, which you can edit, delete, search, replace, print and move from category to category (create as many categories as you like) with ease! EZNote lets you do all standard text editing including changing fonts, styles, sizes, etc. Another extremely handy feature allows you to select text from any note and have EZNote automatically paste the text directly into any text document you are working on.
Some uses for EZNote:
* bring up a text editor instantly with one keypress!
* quickly edit text on the clipboard (edit, change it to all uppercase or lowercase, remove line feeds, etc.)
* copy selected text from any application with one key stroke and store it for later reading or editing
* keep an on-line journal of daily activities
* keep a To Do list
* keep commonly used text clippings to be able to paste into any application
* grab a note or selection of text from any category without having to leave the application you're in with a keystroke!
* maintain a simple and easy to access address book and phone number list
* Collect and organize the information from those scattered text document and clipping files
* Want to add on-line help to an application that doesn’t already have it? If an application does not have on-line help but does have help in the form of text files, you can drop those text file(s) into a category folder (see the Categories chapter below) and use EZNote as on-line help for that application! :-)
What comes in the EZNote package?
Your EZNote package should contain the following files:
• EZNote
• EZNote Documentation
• EZNote - Read Me First! (a SimpleText file)
• EZNote Plugins - (contains Plugins for EZNote)
• Registration (open me!)
(fill out the registration form with this application)
• Problem with registration app? (a SimpleText file to use
if the Registration (open me!) application does not work
for some reason)
How to install EZNote:
Just drop the “EZNote” file into the “Control Panels” folder and drop the “EZNote Plugins” folder into your “System Folder” and restart your Macintosh! After restarting, you should be able to use the “HotKeys” to access EZNote at any time.
The default “HotKeys” are:
1) Control-F13 for a blank note
2) Control-F14 to copy any selected text and paste it into a EZNote
3) Control-F15 to get/edit any notes you have created.
You can change any of the three “HotKeys” by opening the EZNote control panel (from the Control Panels menu of your Apple menu).
See manual for help and instructions.
Important note for upgrading from any version of QuickNote:
If you have any version of QuickNote installed (version 1.2 and before was named “QuickNote”), you must follow these steps before installing EZNote:
1) Open your System Folder, find the folder named “QuickNote Folder” and rename it “EZNote Folder”.
2) Open the EZNote Folder (you just renamed above) and find the folder named “Templates” (if this folder did not exist, no need to do anything as it will be created). Rename it to “◊Templates” (you get the ◊ character by typing Option-Shift-v).
3) Find the folder named “QuickNote Plugins” and drag it to the trash.
4) Open the Control Panels folder and drag the file named “QuickNote” to the trash.
System Requirements.
• System 7 or higher
• Hardware: Mac SE or better
• Works great on PowerMacs!
This is Shareware
This is shareware, an honor system which allows you to try it before you buy. You have 30 days to try EZNote. I’ve put lots of time and effort into creating this utility. When you register you will receive a registration number (via U.S. mail or e-mail if you have an e-mail address) that will stop the “Please Register” message each time you start EZNote. If you use this, please send in the requested registration fee of $20 for each copy (discounts available for 10 or more copies). Thank you for your support.
You can contact the author at this address:
John V. Holder
1734 “S” Street
Eureka, CA 95501
FAX/Phone Orders: (707) 443-3813
or America Online.........: JohnHolder@aol.com
or Internet....................: jvholder@northcoast.com
(for email, AOL is preferred)
If you don’t usually read manuals, at least read the “Introduction”, “How to Install EZNote”, “Setting Up EZNote” and the “How to Register” sections to learn how to do things that would not be obvious, thank you.
Registering EZNote:
If using a credit card you can register securely via our web page “http://www.northcoast.com/~jvholder/” or you can run the “Registration (open me!)” application to fill in registration information and email, fax or send the form via standard mail with your payment.
If you have any problems running the “Registration (open me!)” application (when registering), please use the registration form below: